Saturday, October 08, 2011

Falling newspaper circulation


Adolf Fiinkensein said...

The egregious Herald and oleaginous Sunday Star Times are off by around 20%.

Such is the result of pandering to those who regard sensationalism as news.

They have not yet quite stooped to the gutter style of the New York Times.

Mark Hubbard said...

Now I've locked myself somehow out of my own blog, I expect the newspapers will pick up their circulation figures again :)

ZenTiger said...

The decline started the moment fish and chip shops switched to plain paper.

They knew then what many are figuring out now. Even yesterday's news spin isn't fit for the wrapping of food, let alone human consumption.

Redbaiter said...

Yeah well, who needs to be sanctimoniously preached to constantly by a group of half educated well indoctrinated idiots who are largely extreme left Progressives and social liberals?

I'd much prefer they were going broke a lot faster.

We'd all be so much better off without the frantic efforts of media liberals trying desperately to shape us all in the social image they approve of.