Sunday, August 15, 2010


That's the only word I can think of to sum up a column written by Phil Goff in today's NZ Herald (hat-tip to No Minister for pointing it out).

"I'm well experienced at the skills you need to be a minister. Analysing a problem, being sure of your facts, finding solutions that work. I've done it for years and I can do it well. "

Contrast that to his handling of the Long-term Benefit Dependency: The Issues

Labour leader Phil Goff said that rather than a culture of long-term welfare dependency, the numbers on benefits reflected economic conditions.

"It's not that people don't want to work; the jobs simply aren't there at the moment and the situation's getting worse."

Great skills. Superb analysis. Yes, he has done it for years. Too many.


Manolo said...

Goff is a consumate incompetent whose days are numbered.

I've seen him in action for years without producing anything beneficial to our country.

Sooner rather than later his own socialist Labour mob will roll him.

pdm said...

What was he doing through the 90's when Labour were in opposition. Did he not learn anything then?