Sunday, October 18, 2009

Garrett on gang meeting

Has David Garrett got this right?

So Pita Sharples used taxpayer money to host a meeting with Black Power and Mongrel Mob leaders. Taxpayer money is constantly being spent on gangs and their affiliates.

-Justice costs
-Rehabilitation services

What's another $6,000 if Sharples thinks he can achieve something?

What I want to know is, what did they talk about and what's the next move.


Anonymous said...

I remember Rob Muldoon sucking up to the Black Power back in the 70's or was that the 80's and him suggesting inclusion was the best way to bring dysfunctional factions back into the mainstream.

The gangs have gotten richer stronger and more politically savy since then.

I suspect Peter Sharples recognises maori gangs are a integral part of this countries political and economic culture and attempts to appease them help keep the maori party in power.


Anonymous said...

From what I have taken from his meeting, he was telling the gangs to stop killing each other and turn thier attentions on whitey.