Thursday, June 21, 2007

Freedom of speech stomped all over

This is a disgusting example of the dumbed-down world in which we live. A student thinking for himself and backing it up with research is ostracised by school authorities. Kieran King thinks alcohol and tobacco may be more dangerous than marijuana. But he's not allowed to say so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is this Canadian example of 'double standards 101' any different than the macro scale of NZ parliament where any constructive review of the cannabis law has been curtailed by a minority partner under MMP - whereby 'there shall be no discussion of cannabis in this term of parliament, else we'll spit the dummy!'.

This, despite review of the law being 'highly indicated' by TWO health select commitees.

Very sad indeed... we have otherwise law abiding family folk dying in our jails... sent there by poorly informed judiciary 'to send a clear message to kids' who, meanehile are doing cannabis in droves.